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Active Disassociation of Hyperlink Data

Web-based randomized traffic generator:


Click the start button to start generating random searches. The first time you click it, a new browser tab will open. Just ignore that tab -- don't close it and don't bother clicking on any links. Just let it run in the background.

As long as the code is running, it will generate a new search every 12-24 seconds.

To stop the script, click the button again.


On March 28, 2017, Congress authorized S.J.Res.34. This joint resolution permits Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to track and sell your personal information.

While companies like Google and Facebook have been able to do this for years, they are limited to network traffic that reaches their servers. In contrast, your Internet provider has the capability of collecting data related to all of your online activities. Moreover, they can collect and sell this data to third-parties. The buyers could be advertisers or government entities.

Although lawmakers have suggested that users should have the option to opt-out of data collection, there is no requirement for ISPs to offer any opt-out mechanism.


In response to this permitted collection method, a user named "slifty" created Internet Noise. This script opens a tab and loads web pages based on random search queries. ADHD is based on siftly's work. The key differences between this code and the original code:


This web-based noise generator does not make you "secure" online. It only adds chaff to anyone monitoring your traffic. In effect, it raises the noise level. This should confuse basic advertiser databases since they cannot determine your actual interests.

Most modern advertisers and data aggregators will have trouble tracking user interests. However, companies that process 'big data' will likely be able to filter out this noise and identify your real traffic patterns. (Fortunately, most data aggregators don't do this.)

Other limitations: